Republican Association of Central Committees of MO
A place where County Committees can work together to promote the values of our Party's Platform
Founding Directors
Melissa Thomas
Cyndia Haggard
Don Carriker
Andrew Barr
Mark Anthony Jones
Bev Ehlen
Peggy Crabtree-Berry
Strategic Partners
Freedom Principle MO
Jodi Grace
Current List of Suggested Modifications
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Les Larson
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Article: Protecting the Integrity of Elections
Combine the August Primary Election with the April Election into one election.
(This would not affect the November General election)
By combining these elections into one date, there would be an improvement in the voter turnout and a cost savings to each county.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Dave Thomas
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Add: Freedom of Speech and Religion such as that which solicits the common defense of persons and State, shall not include such practices as are not in accord with whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be anything worthy of reasonable praise.
Therefore, no determined or stated Godless ideology parading as a religious exercise or belief shall be forced upon nor imposed upon the public trust.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Dave Thomas
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Add the following Bullet points after the last listed "WE BELIEVE" Statement on the 2024 Platform Draft.
WE BELIEVE working together throughout the State, for the common good of all our citizens as a democratic and constitutional republic, where every voice and legal citizen vote matters in the election of our local area representatives defines and maintains our more perfect union.
WE BELIEVE every equal numbered population legislatively created district, ensures our equal representation in the State House of Representatives.
WE BELIEVE there should be a concurrence of a majority vote by the popular vote and the representative vote at the district level before any Statewide decision is ratified.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Dave Thomas
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Add immediately before all else written below the title Preamble:
In God we trust, it is, He who gives us life, and liberty for the pursuit of happiness.
We the People of the State of Missouri, in a strong desire to form a more perfect union of mutual consent within the State, and to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense of person and property, promote the general Welfare in our State, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, within
the construct of a Constitutional Republican form of government.
Do therefore and hereby ordain and establish this Republican Party Platform in the State Of Missouri.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Dennis McDonald
Platform Section or Topic
Integrity of Elections
Suggested Language Modification
We support state legislatures, county and municipal governments that are willing and able to pass laws, municipal codes and rules that allow for full transparent hand counting procedures that do not require the use of machines and are fully auditable.
This was passed by unanimous voice vote at the caucus March 2, 2024
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Dana Butler
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Marriage as being between one man and one woman.
Marriage as being from one biological man and one biological woman.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Platform Section or Topic
Health Care Freedom: Against
Suggested Language Modification
Submitted by Joani Walton, 153 W Highway B, Raymondville, MO 65555, 2069141913,
We are against any mandates of medical devices, medical health decisions and medical requirements: such as masks, vaccines, vaccine passports, tests, etc,. Every Missouri citizen, church and business should be able to choose which medical devices and health decisions meet their own needs, without the interference of any other entity. (NOTE: CRIMES THAT INCLUDE ABORTION, INFANTICIDE, EUTHANASIA AND OTHER CRIMES OF HARM AND MURDER, ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED FROM ANY INDIVIDUAL’S PERSONAL CHOICES AND ALSO SHOULD NOT BE MANDATED)
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party Supports:
1. Allowing every Missourian the right to refuse interventions upon his or her person.
2. Prohibiting the Federal, State, any political subdivision of the state, including schools, institutions of higher education, hospitals, clinics, and private or public medical establishments from passing or implementing any law, order, ordinance, regulation, or public policy that mandates, coerces, or infringes upon the individual right to refuse any treatment, technology, testing, facial coverings, medical devices, or procedures, including but not limited to injections, vaccines, or any genetic therapy products.
3. Protecting Missouri citizens’ right to be informed about exposure to potential gene-altering therapies, medical technologies or treatments.
4. Being informed of such a potential gene-altering material requires warning labels on all foods or drugs that contain them.
5. Aggressive investigation into consumer fraud of pharmaceutical companies who deceived Missouri citizens about the “safe and effective” marketing claim of COVID -19 and mRNA vaccinations.
6. Aggressive investigation into censorship of doctors, medical professionals, researchers, pharmacists, and public forums, etc., who tried to share the results of products and life-styles intended to help their fellow Americans be healthy.
7. Aggressive investigation into insurance companies and other entities who offered incentives in order to coerce, and essentially dictate or manipulate medical facilities on how to care for patients.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Bev Ehlen
Platform Section or Topic
Protecting the Integrity of Elections
Suggested Language Modification
Establishing closed primaries requiring all voters casting a ballot to declare a partisan affiliation and make maintaining such declarations as public record.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
PROTECTION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT: Ensuring our First Amendment is never considered bullying inside of our schools and universities, and that the truth is never allowed to be branded as “hate speech”.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: All students in Missouri will never be expected to relinquish their Intellectual Property as a result of using any technology students are mandated to use inside of our public schools.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING/GRANTS: All memorandum of understanding used in any publicly funded school including all higher ed for the purpose of a grant must be posted on a school or university website for the full disclosure to the public as to what the requirements of such grants will be, and who is signing off on said grants that impose requirements on our schools/universities and students and for what purposes in exchange for money.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
TESTS AND SURVEYS: The use of tests and surveys administered online in our schools that measure the mental health of a child shall abide by strict qualifications. Qualified health professionals must always be engaged at the parents behest to ensure proper diagnosis are made on behalf of any student. Surveys measuring a child's emotional aptitude or any values, attitudes, or beliefs shall be an "opt in" survey and never an assumed "opt out" ensuring full disclosure of what a child is being subjected to. Additionally full disclosure shall be made to parents and guardians as to where all information gathered by surveys/tests will be shared, held, distributed, and for what purposes with a guarantee made by the school that said information shall never be shared outside of the intended party disclosed.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
UNITED NATIONS (UNESCO): The Removal of the United Nations (UNESCO) from our schools and publicly funded universities and any teachings from the United Nations as promoted by the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs in our state.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
HIGHER ED: Protecting the Constitutional rights at our state universities, including the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to assemble shall be encouraged and not infringed upon.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
GIRLS/WOMENS' SPORTS IN SCHOOL: Strict Enforcement of Title IX as it was intended by protecting biological girls/women and their rights to compete as the sex which they were assigned at birth.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
SCHOOL BOARD TRAINING: Encouragement of free-thinking school board members to make decisions free of undue influence of special interests with no mandated continuing education classes used for the intent to indoctrinate our elected officials. School Board Education should be elective and never mandated by the state.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
BULLYING: Protecting children from experiences harmful to their development, including bullying as defined by a local school board as opposed to the new definition of "bullying" as submitted by the CDC, DESE, or the MSBA (Missouri School Board Association). This protects students from a newly formed and universal definition of what bullying means that may target certain belief systems shared by a student and their families outside of the school.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
TEACHER PERFORMANCE: Teacher performance cannot be evaluated only by an end of the year test that reduces that teacher to one score. Teachers, students, parents, and administrators should be able to see the statewide tests after administered and graded by the state. It is imperative that in order to ensure true "growth" in our schools, all tests must be reviewed once administered and scored in order for educators, administrators, and school boards to make informed decisions on behalf of their students and to gauge the validity of each test administered. Only locally elected school boards, not as directed by DESE or MSBA, should originate the policies to fairly evaluate the teachers in their school districts in an effort to retain qualified teachers.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Work aggressively to repeal the “Outstanding Schools Act” of 1993 brought to Missouri by Democrats under the leadership of Democrat Governor, Mel Carnahan, that has burdened Missouri's Schools and shown drastic declines in the performance of our schools while growing the bureaucratic strength of (DESE) The Missouri State Department of Education over our schools by using an unfair accreditation model (MSIP) that offers no checks and balances for DESE to grade and regulate our schools.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
FOUNDATION FORMULA: The Foundation Formula shall cut funds to DESE and re-direct those funds to local school districts to ensure said funds are used to aide Missouri's children rather than funding more regulation and control by repeatedly expanding the budget of DESE on a yearly basis.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
School Choice shall be defined as parents having the right and opportunity to choose where and how to educate their children. This definition shall not include the burdensome overreach and regulatory arm of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
TECHNOLOGY: Enforcing strict penalties for using a child’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as retrieved or captured by third parties by way of district issued technology that put children and their PII at risk. Additionally, student data will never be allowed to be monetized by way of any technology being used in schools. If it is found that any app, or type of technology is being used in a way as to monetize a child's data, there will be strict penalties for such a breach that exploits the children of Missouri.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
RIGHTS OF PARENTS: The fundamental right of parents or guardians to serve as the primary authority to determine and direct the nurturing, healthcare, education, guidance, discipline, religious, and moral upbringing of their children, including the ability to homeschool or send children to faith-based schools free of burdensome government regulation. Also supporting the prerogative of parents or guardians and children to pursue choices in education which provides the best opportunities post-graduation, whether that is public, private, parochial, charter, mentorships, or homeschools.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
COPYRIGHTED/PROPRIETARY MATERIALS: No teaching materials, tests, apps, or books used in any school funded by the state shall be considered copyrighted or proprietary and outside of the full view of parents when requested to be seen.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
STANDARDIZED TESTS: Eliminate the use of standardized tests that schools, parents, and students cannot see once those tests are administered. If schools are to be graded by such tests mandated by DESE, school districts, parents and students will be encouraged to see tests already administered in our schools to inform our school districts how best to reach students based on the quality and scoring rubric used to grade such tests.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
SCHOOL BOARDS: Encourage the role of local school boards to make decisions based on the needs of the children in their school district by reducing the role of DESE to an advisory role only, rejecting DESE’s overreach in advancing an accreditation model (MSIP) that undermines the elected school boards to make decisions based on the needs of the children in their district reflecting the will of the people of the community that elected them.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Stacy Shore
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
HUMAN RESEARCH: It shall not be allowed for any child to be used as human research without a parents and/or guardian’s full knowledge and consent as it is illegal in the United States to use humans as research without their knowledge. No administrator will be allowed to give permission on behalf of children or their parents and/or guardians without their full knowledge and consent. If children are to be used as human research in any school setting an explicit understanding of what is being researched and by whom, where such data will be shared, stored, and for what purposes before any consent by a parent is requested.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Joani Walton
Platform Section or Topic
Health Care Freedom
Suggested Language Modification
Submitted by Joani Walton, 153 W Highway B, Raymondville, MO 65555, 2069141913,
We are against any Mandates of medical devices, medical health decisions and medical requirements: such as masks, vaccines, vaccine passports, etc,. Every Missouri citizen, church and business should be able to choose which medical devices and health decisions meet their own needs, without the interference of federal or state government. (NOTE: CRIMES THAT INCLUDE ABORTION, INFANTICIDE, EUTHANASIA AND OTHER CRIMES OF HARM AND MURDER, ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED FROM ANY INDIVIDUAL’S PERSONAL CHOICES AND ALSO SHOULD NOT BE MANDATED)
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Ken Hurley
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Establishing closed primaries requiring all voters casting a ballot to declare a
partisan affiliation and make maintaining such declarations as public record.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Ken Hurley
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
To maintain the integrity and branding of the Missouri Republican Party and fidelity to
the principles of this platform, every candidate shall sign a pledge to our platform.
While in office, every office holder shall maintain a voting record that demonstrates a
preponderance of compliance to our platform.
Failure to maintain compliance with this platform shall result in disassociation from the
party by non acceptance of the filing fee.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Don Carriker
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
We believe what James Madison said in federalist 45 is absolute: The powers delegated by the proposed constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State Government are numerous and indefinite.
Article 1 section 4 of the Missouri State constitution states that Missouri is a free and independent state subject only to the Constitution of the United States.
Article 1 section 2 states that it is the responsibility of the state government to protect the very liberty of its citizens, and that if it fails to do this, it fails in its chief design.
Therefore, it is not only the right of the state to say no to the encroachment of the Federal government, but the duty of the state government.
We believe that the state not only has a right to use the anti-commandeering doctrine, but in accordance with article 1 section 2 of the Missouri Constitution, it is obligated to use anti-commandeering to withhold state resources and support, whenever the federal government usurps the rights and sovereignty of the State.
Therefore our Missouri Republican elected officials shall use anti-commandeering doctrine whenever the Federal Government exceeds its Constitutional limits.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Byron Keelin
St Louis
Platform Section or Topic
Section 2 Freedom: Educdating Our Children
Suggested Language Modification
This is modifying the preamble of this section and then adding two bullet points and modifying the bullet point on eliminating the Department of Education.
Propose the following amendment to Educating Our Children:
(The education of Missouri’s children is the first fiscal priority mandated in the Missouri Constitution. The Missouri Constitution stipulates that education in this state is provided freely to students for the purpose of teaching students how to govern themselves and assert their rights, acknowledge their duties, and proclaim the principles on which our government is founded.) Due to excessive interference and misguided objectives by the government and other special interest groups, this goal has been hindered and educational outcomes have declined. (Control must be returned to parents who have the natural right to authority over how their children are educated.)
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party Supports:
• Elimination of the U.S. Department of Education and returning the authority over schools to parents and school boards to make determinations regarding educational issues
• Requiring all external sources of funding, including private grants to the state and or district must be approved by a vote of the people
• Repealing the Outstanding Schools Act and reverting the role of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to its original role in supporting locally elected school boards
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Bev Ehlen
Platform Section or Topic
Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice
Suggested Language Modification
Prohibiting the further expansion of gambling within Missouri beyond that already authorized.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Bev Ehlen
Platform Section or Topic
Health Care Freedom
Suggested Language Modification
The Republican Party supports health freedom which includes informed consent, no vaccine or medical procedures mandates, mask mandates, lockdown of people in their homes, and gene therapy without the consent or knowledge of the person being exposed to it.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Bev Ehlen
Platform Section or Topic
Spending and Debt
Suggested Language Modification
The Republican Party supports sound currency and Missouri recognizing gold and silver as legal tender and opposes central bank digital currency and social credit scores.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Dan Stacy
Platform Section or Topic
Protecting the Integrity of Elections
Suggested Language Modification
Proposed Amendment to the Missouri Republican Party 2024 Draft Platform
Toward the bottom of Page 10, under the general subject (Protecting the Integrity of Elections) and after the statement (Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party Supports:)
Add on Page 11 after the 2nd from the last bullet point which states “The voluntary political party affiliation of all voters as allowed under current State law” another bullet point stating: “Improve current law by establishing closed primaries requiring all voters casting a ballot in a partisan election to declare partisan affiliation, ensuring only Republicans select their standard bearers at partisan primary elections.”
If an Amendment to the body of the “Missouri Republican Party 2024 Draft Platform” fails, offer this Amendment as a Resolution to the “Missouri Republican Party 2024 Draft Platform”.
“Establish closed primaries requiring all voters casting a ballot in a partisan election to declare a partisan affiliation, ensuring only Republicans select their standard bearers in partisan primary elections.”
Reasoning: Most people agree that only Citizens of the United States should be allowed to vote. Non-Citizens voting in our elections only diminishes the vote of legitimate Citizens. By the same token, only Republicans should decide who their standard bearer is. Those who are Independents and Democrats do not have standing and should not select our standard bearer. Some claim that people are fearful to declare that they are Republicans and would not vote if they had to affiliate. I would remind them that they can vote in the General Election and help select our ultimate candidate. Some claim that they don’t like Government databases keeping voter’s information. This is already being done. The only way to administer election integrity is by maintaining our voter records in Government databases and making them available for public scrutiny. A person’s vote for a particular candidate is not maintained, however, the political parties have a right to know who is affiliated with their party. The clear and present danger of our candidates being selected for office by those who would not embrace our party platform is a much bigger threat to our party than someone who is already fearful and is not willing to affiliate. The claim that there are “Federal Employees” that can’t be political is a false claim because there are “Federal Employees” in “Closed Primary” states that affiliate and participate by voting with their preferred political party. Living in fear is not a Republican value and we should not let our primary elections be lawless elections by allowing those who do not choose to be affiliated with us to select our standard bearers. Ultimately, if we are not able to select candidates that represent our party platform clearly by word and deed in their voting, then we are diminishing the value of our party. And that is just what the LEFT wants, a diminished Republican party. “Closed Primary” has been a part of our Missouri Republican Platform for many years. Do not let our Missouri Platform get more “liberal”. Please vote to put this “Closed Primary” amendment back into our Missouri Republican Party Platform.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Jim Pelis
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
We think the entire Security section should be replaced with the following:
WE BELIEVE that a well armed, trained, and equipped citizenry is essential for the preservation of life, liberty, and property, as well as a strong deterrent against foreign invasion.
WE BELIEVE Article 1 Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution and the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution recognize the inalienable right of the citizens of the state of Missouri and these United State to keep and bear arms; therefore, we oppose any attempts, whether by law or regulation at any level of government, to restrict any citizen’s right to keep and bear arms (open or concealed), to restrict access to ammunition, to restrict accessories typical to the normal function of such arms, or to record the purchase thereof.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
James Meyer
Platform Section or Topic
Spending & Debt
Suggested Language Modification
Drop the following text from the first bullet "and NOT by constitutional convention." This will leave a bullet reading:
"Passage of a federal Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to be adopted by the states."
There is no reason to denigrate the option of a constitutional convention in our party platform.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Byron Keelin
St Louis
Platform Section or Topic
Section 4. Security
Suggested Language Modification
Adding the following bullet point to the Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice.
Protecting Missouri citizens’ rights and freedom as affirmed by the U.S. Constitution and the Missouri Constitution by amending the Missouri Constitution to require all Missouri counties to establish a Constitutional Sheriff.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Byron Keelin
St Louis
Platform Section or Topic
Section 2 Health Care Freedom
Suggested Language Modification
Replace Section 2 Health Care Freedom
Health Care Freedom
Every Missouri citizen should have the right to choose and the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment. The doctor-patient relationship is sacrosanct and should be free from interference from the federal or state government. Every Missouri citizen should be treated equally with respect and dignity regardless of age, race, color, gender, or financial status.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party Supports:
• Allowing every Missourian the right to refuse interventions upon his or her person
• Prohibiting the state and any political subdivision of the state, including schools and institutions of higher education from passing or implementing any law, order, ordinance, regulation, or public policy that mandates, coerces, or infringes upon the individual right to refuse any treatment, technology, testing, facial coverings, medical devices and/or procedures, including but not limited to injections and vaccines
• Protecting Missouri citizens' right to be informed about exposure to mRNA and/or gene-altering therapies and medical technologies or treatments
• Aggressive investigation into consumer fraud of pharmaceutical companies who deceived Missouri citizens about the efficacy and the safety of COVID-19 and mRNA vaccinations.
We can still list the other three bullet points but the above should be listed first.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Michelle Herring
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
In order to maintain the integrity and branding of the Missouri Republican Party and fidelity to the principles of this platform, every candidate shall sign a pledge to our platform.
Subsequently, while in office, every office holder must maintain a voting record that demonstrates a preponderance of compliance to our platform and uphold their oath to office.
Failure to maintain compliance with this platform or failure to uphold their oath to office, will result in their disassociation from the Party by non-acceptance of the filing fee.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Don Martin
Platform Section or Topic
Protecting freedom of speech
Suggested Language Modification
The First Amendment has long been celebrated for the protections it provides for the freedoms of speech and the press. Article I, section 8, of the Missouri Constitution forbids any legislative body in the state to pass any law impairing the freedom of speech “no matter by what means communicated,” but also guarantees “that every person shall be free to say, write or publish, or otherwise communicate whatever he will on any subject, being responsible for all abuses of that liberty.” The Missouri Supreme Court once noted that this “language could not be broader, nor prohibition nor protection more amply comprehensive.”
No government entity will be allow the government to impose restrictions on disfavored types of speech – even if that speech is shown to be completely harmless. We desire to follow: One of the Freedom Center’s primary objectives is to reinvigorate the exceptional protections for free expression built into the Missouri Constitution.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Jason Soseman
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Supports true and honest Republicans in good standing with their party who also abide by the official platform of the Missouri GOP.
This is similar to other submissions and could be revised or combined with other suggestions.
My intent was accountability
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Jason Soseman
Platform Section or Topic
Protecting our borders
Suggested Language Modification
law enforcement agencies in the determination of legal status to be in the United States and specifically Missouri with detention of all illegal aliens inside our state and a priority of deportation if found ineligible to remain.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Less Overall
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
In order to maintain the integrity and branding of the Missouri Republican Party and fidelity to the principles of this platform, every candidate shall sign a pledge to our platform.
Subsequently in office, every office holder shall maintain a voting record that demonstrates a preponderance of compliance to our platform and uphold their oath to office.
Failure to maintain compliance with this platform or failure to uphold their oath to office, shall result in their disassociation from the party by non acceptance of the filing fee.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice
Suggested Language Modification
Include holding parents of minors who consistently break the law accountable for the actions of minors under their care.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Section 3: Faith
Suggested Language Modification
Never again allowing government at any level to ban religious gatherings up to and including worship service or funerals.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Section 3: Family
Suggested Language Modification
Add the definition of “woman” is an adult human being with their 23rd pair of chromosomes being XX.
Add the definition of “girl” is a pre-adult human being with their 23rd pair of chromosomes being XX.
Add the definition of “man” is an adult human being with their 23rd pair of chromosomes being XY.
Add the definition of “boy” is a pre-adult human being with their 23rd pair of chromosomes being XY.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Section 3: Faith & Family
Suggested Language Modification
Abortion is supposed to now be no longer legal within Missouri. Should we rewrite these items to become:
Should abortion ever become legalized, current state law providing women seeking abortion…
Should abortion ever become legalized, current state law requiring that a minor obtain parental notification…
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Section 3: Faith and Family
Suggested Language Modification
We believe that a fertilized human egg becomes a human child.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Section 3: Faith and Family
Suggested Language Modification
We believe life begins at conception with a plan for that child upon implantation.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Healthcare Freedom
Suggested Language Modification
Include “Abortion is not considered healthcare.”
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Spending & Debt
Suggested Language Modification
Performance of government functions at the level of government closest to the people who can most effectively perform the task except in instances where public safety is concerned because local government is making an effort to defund or demoralize law enforcement or when local government is not prosecuting those which are breaking the law and public safety has suffered.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
The reduction and eventual elimination of the Personal Property Tax.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
The reduction and eventual elimination of Special Tax Districts or Tax Increment Financing to allow all citizens and businesses to compete at an even level and decrease the complexity for running businesses.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
The reduction and eventual elimination of any local earnings taxes.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
The reduction or elimination of the state income tax.
Person Submitting Suggested Change
Kirk Hilzinger
St Louis City
Platform Section or Topic
Suggested Language Modification
Change “equitable” to “equal”. For me, Equitable has become perverted into something meaning equal outcome, not equal opportunity.