Republican Association of Central Committees of MO
A place where County Committees can work together to promote the values of our Party's Platform
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Freedom Principle MO
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Critical Race Theory
Propoganda vs. Truth
2022 Language To Mask CRT
Originally: Critical Race Theory
Now: Social Emotional Learning
and: Trauma Informed Policies
How It
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) – the program of in-school “psychological training” for children – has now become a major vehicle for Critical Race Theory, the movement that serves as a foundation of identity politics and promotes the analysis of many aspects of life through the prism of race. Read More....
From The Epoch Times:
Some key concepts in the bill, such as “equity,” “systemic racism,” and “antiracism,” are popular among advocates of CRT, an outgrowth from Marxism that views society through the lens of a race-based power struggle. Click HERE
This absurd statement was made by Mike Parson on 7/19/21. He first says CRT is not being taught, but then compliments teachers who are teaching "diversity, equity, and inclusion". Those are all buzz words for CRT! How can this man not know that?