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Missouri News
The Freedom Caucus

Conservative senators and representatives in Jeff City who represent the values of real Republicans and champion legislation to support and defend those values. These men and women are under attack by the RINOs who are destroying our party. Sadly, that includes leadership on both the Senate and the House. County committees are letting their voices be heard. Here are some of the letters being sent in support of removing RINO leadership and replacing it with real Republicans who care about our party's platform.

Quote from Chip Roy.jpg

Freedom Caucus Members

- Senate -

Rick Brattin - Chair

Bill Eigel

Denny Hoskins

Jill Carter

Andrew Koenig

Nick Schroer

This nonsense would stop now if our state chair made it clear to leadership if they continue to disparage fellow Republicans, threaten expulsion, and behave punitively, they can file for office with another party in the future.

Freedom Caucus Members

- House -

Holly Jones

Justin Sparks

Brian Seitz

Mazzie Christiansen

Doug Ritchie

Brad Hudson

Bob Titus

Bill Hardwick

Ben Kiethly

Senate "leadership" is determined to stop conservative legislation that promotes our party's values from coming to the Senate floor. This is because those in leadership pay more attention to lobbyists and desire for higher office than they do to the voters and the protection of our state's sovereignty.  Count on this same behavior from "leadership" on the House side as well. Currently, the FC is attempting to stop the Left from modifying our state constitution by buying votes out of St Louis and Kansas City. The letters below are from county committees and support groups who are supporting the efforts of our true leaders in the Senate and House, the Freedom Caucus. 

Here's a portion of the petition the Left is trying to get into our state constitution to legalize abortion through birth, along with allowing anyone to perform abortions! This is what the FC is fighting against. (Click the picture to enlarge it.)

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