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Vernon County Republican Committee

Next VCRC Meeting

Vernon County Republican Committee Monthly Meetings


Eagles Lodge Banquet Room

3313 East Austin, Nevada

(Entrance & parking are in the back.)



First Monday of Each Month (See the calendar below for specific dates.)

NOTE: If the first Monday of the month falls on a holiday, our meeting will be the following Monday

Times: 5:00 - Doors Open & Buffet Line Starts

6:00 - Meeting Starts

Dinner served unless otherwise noted

Meetings are open to the public, but we do reserve the right to remove anyone with a disruptive agenda

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Next VCRC Meeting
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Upcoming Events

Join Us For Our Trump Maga Days Banquet

Details coming soon!

Upcoming Events

Vernon County Republican Committee Officers (2022 - 2024)

(Note: Contact information is provided as a service to residents and voters.
​Any unauthorized use will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. Unauthorized use will also be reported to the FBI at this site)

VC Central Committee Officers

Chair: Cyndia Haggard


Vice-Chair: Dennis Turner

Secretary: Frank Silva


Treasurer: Crystal Bearce

125th Congressional Committee Officers

Chair: Clay Lyons

Vice-Chair: Marleah Trealease

Secretary: Merry White

Treasurer: Ted Koeller

Count Elected Officials
County Elected Officials


Lena Kleeman (2020)



Associate Circuit

Judge Brandon Fisher (2018)



Circuit Judge, 28th Circuit Court

David Munton (2016)

Phone: 417-448-2550


Collector / Treasurer

Brent Banes (2016)

Phone: 417-448-2510



David Ferry (2016)

Phone: 417-667-3322


County Clerk

Adrienne Lee (2022)

Phone - 417-448-2500


Court Clerk

Carrie Poe (2014)

Phone: 417-448-2525

Northern Commissioner​ 

Cindy Thompson (2016)

Phone: 417-448-2505


Presiding Commissioner

Joe Wilson (2022)

Phone: 417-448-2505


Prosecuting Attorney

Brandi McInroy (2014)



Public Administrator

Kelsey Westerhold (2020)

Phone: 417-448-2570


Recorder of Deeds

Shelly Baldwin (2018)

Phone: 417-448-2520



Mike Buehler (2025)

Phone: 417-448-5555


Southern Commissioner

John Shorten (2025)

Phone 417-448-2505

Past Events

Past Events

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We hope you were able to join us for one or more of these past events. 

Be sure to check the Upcoming Events page for more opportunities to share in our family friendly gatherings. 

Lincoln Days 2022

MARCH 19th, 5:30

Eagles Lodge - Banquet Room

Get your tickets for dinner, an evening with the candidates, and multiple auctions. Silent, Live, PIES!, and a Dutch Gun Auction (must be present to win).

$30 Single Ticket / $50 per couple

Includes a steak dinner, complimentary wine, beer, or soda

A raffle ticket for door prizes, and

An evening with federal, state & local candidates asking for your vote.


Stay afterwards & participate in live auctions for great items.

(Electric scooter, air fryer, area business donations, & more)

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The Evening's Program

Doors Open
Opening Ceremony

Steak & Pork Loin Dinner

Yummy Desserts

Complimentary Beer, Wine, or Soda

Coffee & Tea available


See our speaker lineup below

Auctions Following Speakers

Silent & Live Auctions

Pie Auctions

Dutch Auction for a New Gun, signed by Mark & Patty McCloskey!

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Keynote Address by
Jay Ashcroft 


Secretary of State

Good-bye Address

Representative Patricia Pike


- US Senate -
Mark McCloskey

- US House -

Taylor Burks

Bill Irwin

Sarah Walsh

- State Representative -

125th District (Bates, Cedar, Vernon)

Dane Diehl

Andrew Hurt

Dennis Turner

127th District (Barton, Cedar, Dade, Jasper)

Ann Kelley

- Local Candidates -

- Health Board -

Bethany Fast

Charolette Turner

- School Board -

Morgan Barker

Adam Dean

County Clerk

Sheree Gayman

Presiding Commissioner

Joe Hardin

Joe Wilson

- City Council -

Bill Miles (April 5th Election)

For more information on candidates go to

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Auction Items Listed Below as We Update the Site

PIES - Delicious Homemade Pies

French Silk

Coconut Cream



Chocolate Cream

Peanut Butter

and more!

Dutch Gun Auction

1. Buy a raffle ticket ($10 each, 6 for $50, 20 for $100)

2. All matching stubs go in a bowl

3. Periodically, all but one ticket are drawn and discarded

4. When only one ticket is left, one additional ticket is auctioned off

5. Both tickets are put in a container, and one is drawn out.

Obviously, you must be present to win!

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Live & Silent Auctions

Electric Scooter

Air Fryer

Old fashioned popcorn machines

Kitchen Essential Baskets full of goodies!

and more


AutoZone Socket Set            Soleil Tan GCs

Pecan Basket        T-Shirts    Stuffed Collectible Bears

Connors Auto Oil Change        Vivosun Grow Tent

White Grill Cup & GCs    Trump Package

Kitchen Essentials Basket          Stuffed Child’s Bunny

Buzz’s BBQ $75 GC Gerber Pocket Knife

Curling Iron & Hair Basket Portable PA System

O’Reilly Power Torque 22 piece Spline socket set

Martha Stewart King Comforter Set

Ammo—45, 44-40, 270, 308, 300

(Federal, Hornady, Remington, Winchester)

Wild Turkey Fed duck print, hat, knives, grill set, glasses

Uranium Glass Opalescent Hobnail Fan



Metal USA Flag Handmade Flag Quilt

My Pillow King Sheets GE Microwave

Ninja Foodie Air Fryer Firework Assortment

Kitchen Essentials Baskets

Gerber Pocket Knife

Vintage Style Popcorn Cart (2)

Go Trax Electric Scooter

Milwaukee 12 Volt Drill/Drive Kit

Ammo—45, 30-30, 270, 300

(Federal, Hornady, Remington, Winchester)


Coconut Crème, French Silk, Strawberry/Rhubarb,

Pecan, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Crème, Peach, Cherry, and two surprises!


Dutch Raffle — 9mm Gun

Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ

Our New Legislative District - the 125th


South half of Bates

North half of Cedar

and all of Vernon

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July 3rd, 2021 Fireworks Festival - In Conjunction with Dry Gulch Fireworks

Held at Emery's Truck Stop


Speaker Mark McCloskey

Candidate for US Senate

McCloskey on July 3rd 2021.jpg

Other speakers included Ed Emery, Candidate for US House of Represenataives and Rick Brattin, our State Senator for the 31st District

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The Evening's Program

Doors Open
Opening Ceremony

Nevada Home School Choir

Nevada High School Jr ROTC Flag Ceremony
Dinner Buffet ($10)
Chili Dinner

Baked Potato bar

Various Homemade Desserts
Iced Tea, Coffee, or Lemonade


See our speaker lineup below

Raffle Following Speakers

(Raffle Tickets $5 each or $20 for 20

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Keynote Address by
Jay Ashcroft 


Secretary of State


Kelvin Curtis

Grassroots Field Coordinator


Danial Hartman, for

Josh Hawley, US Senator

Republican Primary Candidates 

US House of Representatives

Tricia Swartz for Vicki Hartzler


Neil Gist

Primary Challenge

MO Lt Governor 

Mike Kehoe

MO State Senate, District 31
Jack Bondon

Current State Rep for District 56

Rick Brattin

Current Auditor for Cass County

MO House Rep, 4th District

Patricia Pike

Vernon County Sheriff

David (Tiny) Johnson

Current Chief of Police, Rich Hill

Jason Mosher


Vernon County Assessor

Lena Kleeman

VC Northern Commissioner

Cindy Thompson

VC Treasurer/Collector

Brent Banes

Lincoln Days

February 28, 2020
Where: Home Economics Room at The Fair Grounds
1641-1679 E Ashland St, Nevada, MO 64772

(Take Ashland St all the way to the last building on the right.)

Pictures below are from our 2018 Lincoln Days event. 

Click any picture to zoom in. 

2020 Area Merchant Raffle Donations

Our thanks to the merchants listed below, who have generously donated to our raffle. 

Gold Tier ($100+)

Drywood Marksmanship Academy

One hour precision pistol and riffle shooting course. Guns & ammo provided.

Silver Tier ($50 - $99.99)

Debbie's Herb Shop

90 Day Gift Certificate Whole Body Vibration

Heartland Tractor Company

Toy Tractor


Toolbox, Worklight, Flashlight

R&R Equipment

Toy Farm Vehicles

Bronze Tier ($25. - $49.99)

Chair Mart Showcase

Howard Miller Clock

Individual (Anonymous)

Silver Trump Coin

Two Humorous Books - Why Vote for Democrats

Nevada Coin

Silver One Ounce Trump Coin

Four Trump 2020 Bills

MO Northern Pecan Growers

Tin of Assorted Pecan Treats

Pat's Designs

Flag Tote & Lunch Bag, Embroidery to be added

Rinehart Jewelry

$25 Gift Certificate

Ring TV & Appliance

Weatherband Radio


Kitchen Essentials

Kitchen Towel & Gift Certificate

May's Floral

Lotion Set


Gift Certificate

Additionally, we want to thank the following folks who donated money to help fund this event. 

Hancock Automotive

Patricia Pike, MO Representative - 126th


2020 Lincoln Days Banquet

2019 & Older

Coffee & Conversation

Our thanks to Traci and the crew at Kitchen Essentials for hosting this informative update from our State and Federal representatives. Visit their store at 131 E Walnut, Nevada or their website by clicking here

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- 2018 -
A  Busy Year

2018 Ballot Issues Lunch & Learn

Our thanks to the Vernon County Commissioners, Representative Patricia Pike, and the City of Nevada for hosting a Lunch and Learn on October 3rd. The purpose was to learn more about the issues that will be on the ballot on November 6th. 

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President Trump 2018 Primary Rally In Springfield, MO

Joe & Ronette Wilson were fortunate enough to get tickets to President Trump's recent rally in Springfield. Below are a few pictures from the event. (Congrats, Joe & Ronette - the rest of us are jealous!)

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Kansas City BBQ Society's  Low & Slow BBQ Photos

Mike Buehler, County Clerk, and Joe Hardin, Vernon County Presiding Commissioner, spent a long Saturday on a hot pavement cooking up some incredible BBQ for the annual KCBS Low & Slow BBQ event. 


Sheldon Picnic Photos

Mike Buehler, County Clerk, and  Brandon Fisher,  candidate for Assoc Circuit Judge,

participated in the Sheldon Picnic Sled Pull.


Coffee with Senator Blunt at Precision Coffee

Meet and Greet with Senator Roy Blunt on 7/21/18 at Precision Coffee, located at 127 E Cherry in Nevada.
Senator Blunt provided current information on a variety of issues and took a number of audience questions 

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Vernon County Youth Fair 2018

The Vernon County Republican Committee worked in the Diner & Pop Shack on July 10th, serving the crowd who turned out for events such as Super Teen. Below are pictures from the evening's festivities.
The VCRC purchased a small animal at the Youth Fair auction & is donating the meat to a local food bank.

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Mariska Buehler, took second place in the Archery Shooting competition. It's not the first time this eleven year old has made the news. In 2017, she donated her hair to Wigs for Kids, and in 2015 she was featured in the news for her efforts to collect clothing for other children. Mariska is the daughter of our very own Mike Buehler, who is running for re-election as Vernon County's County Clerk. Congrats to Mike & Jeannie, and especially Mariska. You make us all proud. ​

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Bushwhacker Days 2018

June 9th & 10, 2018
Booth #s: 6 & 7, East side of square
We hope you were there to celebrate Missouri's heritage

Make America Great Again!

Some of the sights of the day

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The Evening's Program

Doors Open
Opening Ceremony

ROTC Flag Ceremony
ACPE Homeschool Choir
Dinner Buffet
Catered by Mike Beeman Catering
Turkey or Brisket
Cheesy Potatoes
Green Beans
Hot Rolls
Carrot Cake
Iced Tea, Coffee, or Lemonade

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Keynote Address by
Mike Parson 

Missouri Lt. Governor

Candidates & Elected Officials
Patricia Pike, 
MO State Representative
Bill Yarberry,
Candidate for Mo State Representative
​John Webb,
Candidate for US House of Representatives
4th Congressional District
Tricia Swartz, Political Director
for Vicky Hartzler,
Congresswoman, US House of Representatives
4th Congressional District
Judge David Munton,
Circuit Judge​, 28th Circuit Court
​Mike Buehler,
Vernon County Clerk
​Brandon Fisher,
Vernon County Candidate for
​Associate Circuit Judge

Primary Candidates for the
​Senate seat currently held by McCaskill
Tony Monetti
​Courtland Sykes

Lincoln Days

April 27, 2018
Where: Home Economics Room at The Fair Grounds
1641-1679 E Ashland St, Nevada, MO 64772

Lincoln Days 2018 is in the history books!

It was a great event, full of Republicans who are interested in a voice in the function and direction of our government.

The buffet dinner from Mike Beeman Catering was delicious as always, the weather was perfect, and the speakers had lots to say.  Pictured below are a few of the candidates who were out to earn the votes of their constituents. 

If you missed attending, watch this page for other events throughout the year. We need you, together we are a much louder voice, and together we will continue to correct the problems caused by eight failed years of progressive government. 

A special thank you to the ROTC for their beautiful flag ceremony, and to the ACPE Homeschool Choir who did an outstanding job. We were fortunate to have such an incredible group of youngsters present to start the evening's events. These incredible members of Vernon County's youth represent the future of our country.

Click on any picture to zoom in. ​​

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