Republican Association of Central Committees of MO
A place where County Committees can work together to promote the values of our Party's Platform
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2020 Candidate Biographies
(If the candidate has a dedicated website, clicking their name on the candidate page will take you to that page rather than here.)
Cindy Thompson
I am currently serving my first term as Northern Commissioner. I seek re-election because I care about our community. I will continue to focus on solving the problems that rural communities face by finding ways to ensure community growth and prosperity. I will continue to dedicate myself to promoting efficient government that provides the infrastructure and support that citizens and job creators need both today and in the future.
Some of my accomplishments this term include:
Initiating and organizing annual Township meetings;
Collaborated with Farmer’s Market and the Youth Fair Bard for permanent and additional space, while also providing rentable space for the public, which is Centennial Hall;
Partnered with On My Own ADA Advisory Group to make the Courthouse and Fairgrounds ADA accessible;
Listening and implementing security into the courthouse;
Established a grassroots economic development group, BUILD VC, to develop an Economic Development Organization and full time Director. I am happy to announce that the Director begins 6/8/2020!!!!
Community work includes serving as President Nominee for Nevada Rotary, Corresponding Secretary for P.E.O. Chapter DW and member of Dianas.
My business, Thompson Properties & Management LLC, provides quality and affordable housing for folks in Vernon County.
I love being a wife (Bob), mom (Cara & Spencer) and grandmother of five!
I would appreciate your continued support and vote. I am Vernon County Proud!!
More information on FB:
Jason Mosher
Jason Mosher is a life-long resident of Vernon County. He grew up in Walker, later moving to Nevada, the son of local pastor Terry and his wife Karen Mosher. Jason married April just out of high school in 2000, and together they have seven children: Liz, Jamin, Eli, Kate, Asher, Lauralynn, and Anna.
Jason attended the police academy at Missouri Southern State University, later earning his associate’s degree in law enforcement, bachelor’s in criminal justice administration, and he possesses many certificates in various areas of law enforcement and leadership including the FBI-LEEDA executive leadership academy.
The Missouri Sheriff’s Association has featured Jason several times in their MSA magazine, and he was also a guest speaker at Vicky Hartzler’s Anti-Drug Task Force Campaign. Sheriff Mosher has been serving Vernon County as sheriff since 2013, working on making great strides in the areas of honesty, integrity, and professionalism, and, with your support, he looks forward to continuing that work over the next four years. More info on FB:
Everett Wolfe
My name is Everett Wolfe. I have been your Vernon County Southern Commissioner for the past eight years and would like to serve for the next four years. I am a lifelong Vernon County resident, graduating from Nevada High School, and then obtaining an Associate Degree. I live in Deerfield with my wife, Rita, and we own and operate a cattle and grain farm. Our family includes our son, daughter, their spouses, and one granddaughter.
Prior to becoming your Southern Commissioner, I was the manager of Producers Grain Company in Nevada for 11 years. Being family and community oriented, I served on the Cole Township board, Deerfield Cemetery board, Vo-Tech Advisory board, and I am a past 4-H project leader, and Extension Counsel member. I am currently president of Public Water Supply District #7.
Working with the other commissioners and elected officials I have seen Vernon County continue to prosper and grow. We also continue to work with the townships during this time of increased rainfall to try and resolve the poor road conditions. Some of our completed projects and programs include the following:
--The building and replacement of numerous bridges and road culverts by the Vernon County Bridge Crew.
--Changed the 911 Call Center to a county entity from one governed by a joint board.
--The Commission partnered with the City of Nevada and the Emergency Manager to set up a Code Red Emergency Text Alert System to keep the community informed in the event of an emergency.
--The revamping of Katy Allen Lake. Consulting with the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission, a nature reservoir and walking trail were created for the communities' use and enjoyment.
--The continued maintenance of the Vernon County Fairgrounds. Working with the Fair Board, the fair diner was remodeled, and a video system was installed in the show area, with viewing screens located in the diner.
--The new multi-purpose building located on the fairgrounds. After discussion with the Vernon County Farmers Market and the Fair Board, a need was identified, and the building was designed and built for use by clubs, organizations, and the community.
--A higher level of security has been implemented in the Vernon County Courthouse, with the north door designated as the primary entrance, installation of a metal detector, and the hiring of a full time bailiff for the safety of the employees and citizens.
As needs and opportunities arise, the Commissioners will continue to improve and grow Vernon County. During my eight years in office I have enjoyed meeting, visiting, and working with many new people, and look forward to continuing serving you for the next four years. Your support and vote would be greatly appreciated.