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Concerns Over Big Tech

The Threat Google Poses to Free and Fair Elections

In June, several experts testified before the Senate, expressing their concerns about the unchecked power of tech giant Google, and to a lesser extent, Facebook and Twitter. The threat comes from Google's algorithms, and the subtle yet effective ways these algorithms are used to skew search results in favor of a particular candidate or issue. Below are links to video testimony from one of these individuals, Dr. Epstein, who has developed systems to expose and analyze Google's bias. Dennis Prager also offered testimony regarding Google bias. 


Click either video to go to the website where you can listen to these videos and more. 

Click here to read an article by Dr. Epstein with additional links in the article.   

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Links to private browsers to use instead of Google. These browsers do not track or retain search information.

GOP Sen. Josh Hawley takes aim at Big Tech's legal protection with new bill

Hawley...says that the Communications Decency Act was passed when the Internet was still in its infancy, whereas big tech firms are now among the world’s most powerful companies. His legislation, the Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act, would remove the protection that big tech receives under Section 230 unless the firms submit to an external audit that proves their algorithms and content moderation are politically neutral. Read More...

DOJ Opens Sweeping Antitrust Review of Big Tech Giants

In a shot across the bow of online titans like Facebook, Google and Amazon, the Justice Department announced Tuesday it has opened a wide-ranging antitrust investigation of big technology companies and whether their online platforms have hurt competition, suppressed innovation or otherwise harmed consumers. Read More...

Silicon Valley in the crosshairs: Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple face bipartisan onslaught

After years of expansion and disruption, while seeming to escape regulatory scrutiny relatively unscathed in the United States, the world's most powerful tech companies are suddenly staring down the barrel of a bipartisan gun that could severely curtail their growth, subject them to invasive probes, saddle them with new regulations and potentially force them to break up. Read More...

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